i'm still sick. i HATE being sick. i am a complete hypochondriac, and if things don't get better with the use of over the counter medications or weird symptoms present themselves, naturally, i hit WebMD with a vengeance and freak myself out with all the things that could possibly be wrong with me.
what i think is wrong this time is my tmj. stress (now i wonder why i'd be stressed? oh, right. "leadership transitions," doing the work of 5 people, etc etc) makes me clench my jaw in my sleep. i also tend to carry stress in my neck and shoulders and as a result, i have a knot in my right shoulder muscle the size of cleveland. the most irritating symptom i've encountered through this is dizziness/vertigo, whatever you want to call it. oye, what a pain. it's the weirdest thing and nothing seems to help it, which kicks my hypochondriac tendencies into overdrive.
went to the dentist yesterday and i've never been so happy to see that man in my life. usually i hate going to the dentist. i always wonder why people decide to become dentists. you're looking in people's mouths all day, smelling their stink breath, making them bleed and cry, lecture them about flossing etc. no one is happy to see you, ever. it's a tough job. i am glad my dentists (a family business - father and sons) are willing to do it.
anywho. got the splint fixed and the jaw pain is better. yesterday, i had a flash of brilliance - a massage to ease my sore and painful muscles.
well, helloooooo. i don't know why i hadn't thought of that sooner. i tried to be all medical about it, contacting my health club to see if their massage therapist is still on staff (nope). i went to the skokie park district and signed myself up for 5 sessions with a guy called phillip (with a ph). but they don't start until later in the week, and i was desperate for some kind of comfort. so i booked myself for a massage today at a place called "heavenly massage."
yes, i had my doubts on going to a place that sounded like a porno parlor, but it really is a very nice little spa right in my neighborhood. my deep tissue massage lasted an hour and is, i think, the nicest thing i've ever done for myself in my life so far. i highly recommend it to anyone.
stay tuned to the health report for further developments in my life....
hopefully, this week will be better than last week - it will start off on a bright note - we are seeing Turandot at Lyric tomorrow night!