Friday, February 27, 2009

happy friday!

Did I mention I am really totally beyond happy that it's Friday?? Let's celebrate with a little German sing-song... you know,my grandmother totally sang this to me, too... (the evil geniuses at 30 Rock got this one in my head last night... I kind of love you guys...)

file that under... learn something new every day! My very informative post about Girl Scout cookies (mom was holding out on me! She had a hidden box of Thin Mints!) and my musings about what said Girl Scouts actually do got an email response from a former Scout. She set me straight. I guess they do the running, jumping, climbing trees thing too (and putting on makup while you're up there?) , sing-songs around the camp fire and all that. Huh. I'm not really into "camping" or "the outdoors" because I am allergic to everything, so I don't feel like I really missed out on not Scouting, except I would rather have enjoyed an endless pipeline to the cookies....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

they're heeereee!

Yes, it is that time of year again, that we have all waited for with mouth-watering anticipation - and I am not talking about National Pancake Day, which is apparently today, but.... drum rolllll please! Girl Scout Cookies! They have their own website! Hooray! A former co-worker of mine used to have two little girls in scouts, and so for about 4 years or so, she was my hookup. And then when I worked at Archiver's, there were all kinds of mommies running around that place, and the thin mints and pinwheels and caramel delights flowed freely. Lately though, it's been hard for this girl to get her fix in the city. Last year, I remember some entrepreneurial girls (well, ok, their moms) had set up shop at Union Station (smart move, ladies! hungry commuters = sales!) and sometimes, some of them hang out by Jewel. Lucky for me, my mom has gotten the hookup, and yesterday she brought home three boxes...

And okay, can I just say? These things are tiny! My four bucks (!!) buys a box smaller than, I dunno, but it's pretty small. We woofed down about half the box of thin mints last night, while watching House* and I started wondering where my next box was gonna come from.

I also started wondering what it is that Girl Scouts DO, exactly. Can anyone tell me? The box says something about being a development or empowerment or some such thing organization for girls, which sounded like whole bunch of nothing to me. My cousins were in the Boy Scouts and it was all running, jumping, climbing trees and stuff like that. Camping! Building things! Making fire! Killing chickens!** There is always some news story, on slow news days, about some teenaged kid who has earned all six hundred zillion merit badges and he's got them all sewn proudly on two sashes and stuff like that. What do the girls do? Go shopping? Two of my cousins were Eagle Scouts. What's the highest level in Girl Scouts and why do we never hear about it? Do they even have badges aside from the how-many-cookies-can-my-mom-sell badge?

So clearly, I was never a Girl Scout, because I was always more interested in eating the cookies than selling them.

*Can we sidebar for just a sec from my sugar high to talk about Hugh Laurie? Shaved! No shirt! Lovely... now if they just dump Foreman and 13, we'd be back to the show we know and love.

** Seriously. My cousin built a bridge, learned how to make a fire from twigs, and I believe, learned how to kill a chicken with his bare hands. For the Pyro, Survival, and Poultry badge, I believe it was...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend Roundup

I was going to call this post "Weekend Update" but then you'd think I was going to be as funny and clever as SNL, and you know I'll try, but I don't want to give you false expectations.

Essentially, I spent all weekend at the ballet - sometimes I really really love my job, especially when I get to watch performances and basically call it "working." Friday I was at home sick, and it was one of those days when I just slept and drank hot drinks and slept some more and didn't talk or work or worry about much of anything except when I was going to have my next hot drink (very soothing for my extremely sore throat). It did wonders, and when I went to work at the theater on Saturday, I was in much better form.

Sunday, I brought mom to watch the performance. So, the program is a mixed rep, starting with Arpino's Kettentanz - who knew polkas could be sexy? The cheerful polka sounding music gets to me, after a while, but the dancing is freaking incredible.

Next - Mobile (Ruud) that is more of a performance piece, with three dancers contorting their bodies into various positions, inspired by Calder's mobiles. It's one of those "How are they doing that?" sort of things.

Then - Hand of Fate from Balanchine's "Cotillion" a lovely, if anticlimactic little pas de deux that if there was a speech bubble over the audience when it was over, it would read "Huh?"

The showstopping piece though, has to be Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring) by Nijinsky. When it premiered in 1913 in Paris, it started riots in the theater - this ain't yo' momma's Ballets Russes. It's primal and primitive, about a ritual sacrifice of a maiden to make the spring season return (here is my question though - actually several questions - why was it always a maiden who had to be sacrificed? Also, what if this ritual didn't work? They were in Siberia after all - isn't it pretty much always winter? Why didn't the maidens go "This sucks as a tradition, we're going someplace warmer and starting our own tribe. Ciao.") It ain't pointe shoes and tutus, it's flat footed stomping, and jumping, fists pounding on the ground. The Chosen One (not the little green guy) is a tour de force, because this girl essentially has to dance herself to death. Stravinsky's music is strong and powerful and not very melodic. I have to say that our friend Vaslav must have been a real fun guy at parties - but this is one hell of an awesome ballet.

I will have two more times to see it, as I am working both shows next Saturday. What else?? Oh, the Oscars. As usual, I have failed quite miserably in my quest to see all the nominated best pictures. Only achieved Frost/Nixon, which I liked very much. I love Hugh Jackman, and would watch him do just about anything (but not that POTO sequel - run, Hugh, run!) but there were some weird ass moments in that ceremony. I didn't even watch the whole thing... I only usually watch it to see who is wearing what - although I like movies, the ceremony itself is usually kind of tedious. Well, anyway. I am so happy though for Kate Winslet, whom I have loved ever since she rolled down that hill as Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility. Now I will really, really, really, really have to go and see her in The Reader and also possibly in Revolutionary Road. Oh, and I will totally have to check out Slum Dog Millionaire. Maybe I should change my goal and vow to see the actual best picture film once it has one, rather than messing about with all the nominees. Maybe next year??

Happy Monday!

Monday, February 16, 2009

belated statehood day recap

I hope everyone had a lovely and romantic Arizona Statehood Day Weekend! My friends and I (my "Statehood Day buddies") had a lovely lunch at Bonefish Grill (Oh, I had the haddock, and it was so delicious! If I was on Check, Please! I would sum this place up by saying it is a little slice of heaven in a Skokie strip mall! I mean, who knew that such an unassuming little place could turn out such delicious seafood?) then we went shopping and had manicures and exchanged the requisite Statehood Day cards and candy. Sadly, I had to return almost all the purchases I made - not because I had buyer's remorse or anything, but because everything I picked up just didn't fit right. Grrrrr.

Yesterday, I made muffins and hung out at home. Why are the weekends always so short? And today, we are not closed, so I am at the office, celebrating the presidents by, ummmm, well, having some tea and toast.

Friday, February 13, 2009

shh! don't tell...

But every time I hear stuff about the Chosen One, I secretly, in my head, think of this...

stuff in my bag... the cleanout edition

So my bag weighed a ton yesterday, and I had to do my weekly cleaout ritual a few days early. Here's what was happening...

- 4 True Delights dark chocolate almond raspberry granola bars (free! given out by the train station and in front of the Thompson Center in the morning for the past week. May I say they are Truly Delightful...)

-8 lipsticks and lipglosses. I think it is safe to say that I don't especially need ALL of those in my bag at once, as I think I only really regularly use just one... the boring old softlips

-5 pens (you never know when you might need a pen, and I have this weird fear that I will be somewhere and need a pen and that it will run out of ink. So I have extras.)

-1 pair of rubber gloves (don't ask)

-1 sharpie (Be Prepared. That is my motto. You never know when a sharpie about your person might come in handy.)

-Much loose change

-2 bottles of eyedrops

-about 3 different containers with Tylenol, Advil, and prescription stuff. Just call me Dr. Feelgood

-Post its.

-Keys, and also my office swipe card



-my schedule book planner thing that I meticulously record things in but mysteriously rarely look at.

-random receipts and assorted debris

-Parking Lot floor level reminder sheet. You know when you park really early in the morning, and it's kind of a blur? So I took one of those little sheets to remind me later, in case I forgot. It was a long day. But I remembered - P4 Luggage Blue Level

-gum and mints, hard candies

-ipod (really really really the best purchase I've ever made)

-an invitation to the Kravis Center Gala featuring MandyLu (PatMan? ManPat?) (Oy, long story about why this happens to be in there, but needless to say I will be spending March here in Chicago and not chilling out on a beach in West Palm, sipping fruity beverages.)

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

the rite of spring....

What have I been doing with myself these past few days, you may ask yourself? I am gearing up for our Winter Program, which opens next week. For a sneak preview, go hereand check out the video. Then, if the spirit so moves you, get some tickets and check it out! It's going to be a great show!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

think about it...

I am too brain-dead and coming down with a cold to say anything meaningful today, so I think the best thing to do is get the phrase "junkies with monkey disease" stuck in your heads, so I can get it out of mine. Cool? Maybe we can all sing along with Bret and Jemaine when they come to Chicago in April!!!

Monday, February 09, 2009

grammy roundup

Watched the Grammys last night. I was hoping for a glimpse of the winners of the typically non-televised categories - the classical category, naturally - although, heck, I think they presented all of 6 awards on the show last night. I think they went for a full half hour and only presented one. Still, it was a nice way to pass Sunday evening. Some of those cats are just so unbelievably cool - U2, Coldplay, Radiohead, all of those guys who were wandering around with their sunglasses on... inside. It made me wonder - did they wear them all night? How did they see anything? Is seeing stuff passe when you're so cool?

But hey-who, I digress. They did not scroll any of the other categories, which is kind of a bummer, man, but they wanted us to follow them on Twitter and on Facebook, which I didn't do. Anyway, I found out this morning that the Grammys for Best Classical Album and Best Opera Recording went to the Rise and Fall of The City of Mahagonny, featuring Patti and Audra! Wheeeee! I saw both of these live and in the personal flesh. I was surprised about Mahagonny though, I thought for sure that Eugene Onegin from The Met would sneak in there and grab the Grammy Gold. The production was gorgeous and, I don't need to tell you, gloriously sung by Renee and Dmitri... Who knows what lurks in the hearts of Grammy voters? But congrats to Patti and Audra - Patti adding to her award-haul (sort of, anyway, I don't know if the artists get the physical awards for these?) and in the opera category!!

have you never been mellow?

Yesterday I saw Xanadu, and let me tell you, in the parlance of 1980s California, it was rilly rilly awesome, man! Because, really (or I guess I should say, rilly) now I think that everything I go to should involve disco balls, roller skates, and of course, glow sticks.

Fun for all. Go and see it! I will even see it with you!