I made it home in time for Disco Night on Idol and I have to say I was a little bit disappointed. I was expecting crazy cheese, a whirling disco ball, etc. Right? Abba! The Brothers Gibb! Donna Summer! Most of the top 7 (including Matt "Wasted Save" Giraud) did disco songs but slowed the tempo way the hell down to try and showcase their "artistry." What the what??? I thought disco was supposed to be fun dance music. Although, I was born in the late 70s, and so wasn't actually alive during the disco era, so I could be wrong about that...
I liked Kris Allen's groovy "She Works Hard for the Money" and Adam singing anything. I didn't feel his pain like Paula did (turning her into a "pool of Abdul" per Mr. Seacrest), but whatever. And I love Allison, LOVE HER, but her Hot Stuff was so funky it sounded nothing like the original. Strangely the only two contestants who were more or less true to the disco theme were Lill Rounds (who did not follow my advice - sniff! - and sang "I'm Every Woman") and the aforementioned Matt G. What happened to Lill? I didn't like it at all last night. She was all like "I'm having fun" which prompted my Cowell-esque response that people also have fun at karaoke bars, but that don't make them artists! There was nothing at all original about her performance, it was BORING. And then Matt... "Stayin' Alive" was an appropriate song choice, what with the save and all, but he's just kind of blah. I didn't hate it as much as Simon did, but yeah. Not good.
Bottom three predictions: Lill, Matt, and Anoop
I think Anoop of the pink sweater will live to sing another day, but Lill and Matt are going down in this double elimination.
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