Tuesday, November 06, 2007

More like the Edens under construction...

An article in the September 2007 issue of Chicago Magazine gave some tips on how to 'Work Smarter' - the first tip (provided by Maureen Gainer Reilly) says the following:

1. Think of your desktop real estate as Lake Shore Drive. Too many people undervalue their desktop real estate. The top of your desk and the file drawers next to your chair are Lake Shore Drive; the filing cabinet that you have to walk to is the suburbs. Only when you understand how critical your desk is to your overall productivity can you begin to create a system that will save time in the long run. If you don’t use something at least once a week it does not deserve space in or on your desk.

Yeah. My desk? So not like Lake Shore Drive. I think it's a pretty bad sign when you've got stuff growing on your desk....

1 comment:

Bob said...

that's creepy.