Friday, November 17, 2006

Just Finished Reading....

You wouldn't think that growing up in rural Iowa in the 1950s would be exciting enough to fill a book, but Bill Bryson, author of In A Sunburned Country, Notes from A Small Island, and I'm A Stranger Here Myself, among others, manages to turn the story of his childhood into a interesting, lively, page-turning read. I finished it in about 24 hours. It is laugh out loud funny in parts, also partly nostalgic for an era long gone - a time of optimism and a feeling of anything's possible, a time of growth in this country, a time where communists lurked around every corner, and people thought teenagers were mentally disturbed due to the influence of rock and roll music. I was born in 1978 and by the end of the book, even I was sad for all the things that used to be, that the book so vividly describes.

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