Friday, April 20, 2007

they really, really like me...

Today is my last day with The A Team. It's sad, and it's weird. My desk is totally clean and empty. My personal effects and mountains of crap have been cleared off or taken home. There are no extraneous pairs of shoes under my desk anymore and, ONE email in my in box. This never happens.

Since my move has some political undertones, I was not expecting them to throw me a party. But I got one. Cake, and a card and people hugging me and telling me how much they will miss me. I will miss them, too.

I always feel like I am not very memorable. I mean, come on, in high school, people always called me "Nicole" because I looked kinda like a friend of mine - we're both petite, blonde, and wore glasses. That's about all. But I got cut slips when she was absent. Our counselor did it. Our homeroom teacher did it. The man saw us for four years! And she never got called by my name, I was always called by hers. It's enough to give a person a complex. (and THEN, when I get emails from candidates with their resumes, they call me 'Karen.' Lovely name. It's just not MY name. And it blows my mind because the respond to name is RIGHT ON THE ADVERTISEMENT. And yet. Dear Karen.... Where is the attention to detail? HUH? Definite points off there.... But I appear to be rambling. ANYWAY).

And then something like this happens, where I don't think people think much about me at all, and it turns out that they DO, and some of them think pretty nice things, too! It's weird. I've had 5 and a half good years here, but I'm ready to keep going.

Happy Birthday, Patti!

Today is The Patti's Birthday!
(I will have a few cold ones in her honor....)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ravinia Tickets!

Ravinia tickets went on sale today. Either they've finally worked the bugs out of their system, or it pays to shop online at 8:00 in the morning - I got my tickets right away.

Patti in "To Hell and Back" on June 6 (the Martin - so will not have to pick locusts out of my picnic on the lawn) and Patti with Audra in August.

Woohoo!!! Looks like there will be a Pattipalooza 2007 this summer. Now all I need to do is find some performances of Renee's to get to.... otherwise I won't be seeing her until January.... and that just will not do!

The A Team By the Numbers

My time here with "The A Team" - (current employer, name changed to protect the "innocent") is drawing to a close. I am starting a new job next week!

5 1/2 years...
2 offices
4 cubicles (one in skokie, 3 in evanston)
4 regional managers
2 presidents
2 CEOs
2 cars to get to work (sniff! edge, RIP!)
nearly 100 clients served
1 company name change
3 titles
over 1 million words written
1 assistant
3 "moms"
2 retreats off site
0 "kumbaya moments" around a campfire (thank god!)

This was my first job out of college. I interviewed for a summer internship. I was offered a full time position. Since I had not been able to find a teaching job, and the idea of subbing 2nd grade gym did not at all appeal, I took it. I knew nothing about the field The A Team does business in - but I learned. I was in awe of Mr. A our founder, who started the company over 20 years ago from the trunk of his car. I had the chance to learn from the best, from people who feel called to help others, who are genuinely good. For all the issues we've had, it really feels like a family here. Leaving was not an easy decision for me to make, but I really feel it's the best move for me to make at this time. I'm ready. I'm sad to go, but excited for this new opportunity - it's in the arts, with a HUGELY prestigious organization in this city. It's a big chance and I had to take it. (Aside from that, my grandmother threatened to kick my ass if I didn't take the job! Seriously!)

So goodbye, A Team. I'll miss your wit & wisdom & professionalism. Keep on keeping on, and I will make you all proud.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Pattiversary! (tomorrow!)

After vacations,it is always rather hard for me to return to reality. Especially after I took the Rock Boat cruises, it was always like What? I have to work now? But I want to be able to roll out of bed and laze by the pool/go to a rockin' concert/eat lots of lovely lovely food and not have to pay.... etc. When I'm back, I like to play "at this time last week I was..." and relive the fun times, until people tell me to shut the !@*#($* up already.

Well, I was going through some photographs on my camera, and I realized that at this time last year, I was in New York City. Not only did I go to the Met and see Renee the Magnificent in Manon and hang around with my group members whom I love like family, including Mims and Iris from London, two incredibly fabulous people brought me to Sweeney Todd for the first (and not the last) time. It was my first (and not the last) time seeing The Patti. I don't know what it is about her, but she's fierce (in a good, and kind of scary way). I don't think my lovely friends knew they'd create such a monster, but alas, it is so. I have A Second Diva.

Thanks, guys!!! I will have a Pattiversary cupcake in your honor (or maybe a Pattiversary cocktail... or two... or six?)

I wonder where I will be at this time.... next year....

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

i wasn't done...

Blogger was being cranky. More pics. Enjoy.

Old West street

Goofy self-portraits, the mark of the lone traveler....

my brain is full.....

Wisteria Lane!

Wow, you can trade your child up for a better model at Universal!!

Shrek Stuff!!

Can't think any more. Here are some more pictures from my trip to sunny CA (WAHHH! It is SNOWING here today! Where's spring??) & my day at Universal...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Slow News Day?

Dude. My parents TOTALLY missed the boat by not naming ME 'Metallica'

Couple fights to name baby 'Metallica' (from Yahoo! News)

Metallica may be a cool name for a heavy metal band, but a Swedish couple is struggling to convince officials it is also suitable for a baby girl.
Michael and Karolina Tomaro are locked in a court battle with Swedish authorities, which rejected their application to name their six-month-old child after the legendary rock band.
"It suits her," Karolina Tomaro, 27, said Tuesday of the name. "She's decisive and she knows what she wants."
Although little Metallica has already been baptized, the Swedish National Tax Board refused to register the name, saying it was associated with both the rock group and the word "metal."
Tomaro said the official handling the case also called the name "ugly."
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metallica as a middle name.
The tax agency appealed to a higher court, frustrating the family's foreign travel plans.
"We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name," Tomaro said.

Monday, April 02, 2007

when did my life become an episode of 'the office'?

"culture audits" and "value awards" gee whiz, can "diversity day" and camp fire kumbayas be far behind?

So much for "Everyone here is extremely gruntled."

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

Some pics from my LA Trip...