Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Pattiversary! (tomorrow!)

After vacations,it is always rather hard for me to return to reality. Especially after I took the Rock Boat cruises, it was always like What? I have to work now? But I want to be able to roll out of bed and laze by the pool/go to a rockin' concert/eat lots of lovely lovely food and not have to pay.... etc. When I'm back, I like to play "at this time last week I was..." and relive the fun times, until people tell me to shut the !@*#($* up already.

Well, I was going through some photographs on my camera, and I realized that at this time last year, I was in New York City. Not only did I go to the Met and see Renee the Magnificent in Manon and hang around with my group members whom I love like family, including Mims and Iris from London, two incredibly fabulous people brought me to Sweeney Todd for the first (and not the last) time. It was my first (and not the last) time seeing The Patti. I don't know what it is about her, but she's fierce (in a good, and kind of scary way). I don't think my lovely friends knew they'd create such a monster, but alas, it is so. I have A Second Diva.

Thanks, guys!!! I will have a Pattiversary cupcake in your honor (or maybe a Pattiversary cocktail... or two... or six?)

I wonder where I will be at this time.... next year....

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