Monday, June 25, 2007


I had fully intended yesterday to be a lazy Sunday, doing nothing much in particular. A little blogging, reading, talking to the cats, etc. I thought it would be a good idea to go over to the Apple Store and talk to a genius about their products (I have been dithering over the decision to buy a new computer for several months now - I had pretty much decided it was going to be a Mac, but was not able to commit. There's gotta be a message there somewhere, I think... but I am not sure what it is...).

Well, I am sure you know where this is heading. I am very suggestable. The helpful Apple type person showed me the Mac Book and all its features and I decided to just go for it. I also got all sorts of other stuff - a student discount (woohoo! I am still technically a Columbia student. Have to finish that damn thesis...), a free printer AND a new iPod.... woohoo!

All I need now is my high speed. It's coming.....

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