Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend Randomness...

Just some things on my mind...

1. It's 4 degrees outside. 4. It's Chicago in January. I know. Still, this weather just makes me want to curl up with a blanket and hibernate until April.

2. Evidence that the events of the past week have just been a little too much and completely drained my brain: was doing laundry this morning and throwing a load of sheets into the washer. That done, I went upstairs to watch Thursday's episode of Ugly Betty that I'd missed. Mom came up to me and said "Uhh, why are you only washing one sheet?" It transpired that I'd only thrown the one into the washing machine (No, not by itself. There was other stuff in there just not the other sheet). The other one was lying, forlorn and abandoned, on top of the hamper. Whoops.

3. One more Traviata (yay!) this week. I am following some advice I overheard at the dress rehearsal - there was a school group from the Music Institute of Chicago and she was passing out notepaper for the students to write down their questions for Renee. "When you go back there and see her, your mind will go completely blank," she admonished them. Sounds about right, actually. I've only just started managing the full sentences around the Fabulous One.

4. Got a google alert for an interview with Patti in the Dallas Voice and have inadvertantly stumbled onto a new career path (maybe?):

The question was: Have you ever done a national tour of musical or would you consider doing one?

The answer was: No, never have. I always thought Broadway is the ultimate — why would I go out on the road? Now I have a son in school and I wouldn’t go on the road until he graduates anyway. But I like touring. I like seeing the country, but it’s uprooting. I’m not young anymore. But I heard about someone who had a packer, a person who was flown in and packed for them, went to where they were going and then unpacked them. That’s fabulous — I want that in my next contract.

Can you imagine? Being a packer for Patti? I'm not suggesting it as a long-range career strategy or anything but it might be kinda fun for a few months (weeks? days? hours?). Of course, if one is looking to put oneself in a workplace drama-less situation, this most likely is not the way to go...

UPDATE: Sunday Afternoon

5. Got a haircut yesterday and ohmygod, my bangs look ridiculous! Just another reason for me to stay indoors, I guess...

6. Last night I almost sprayed my head with eyeglass cleaner rather than my detangling spray. The bottles are the same size. Arrrghhhh. I think I need a vacation....

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