Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Just looked at the resolutions from last year. How did I do?

1. Finish the !@&#(#@!** thesis. Be more persistent w/deadbeat advisor and make him be useful to me. It is, after all, his job. Yessss!!!! Done! Graduated!

2. Join some kind of gym and work out more than once a week. Not so much, unless you count walking a million blocks from Union Station to work every day as "joining a gym."

3. Spend less time at Starbucks. Otherwise, I will become VERY finnie-esque and that gym membership will be very handy indeed. What? Starbucks? She asks innocently, sipping her cinnamon dolce latte. Oh, I never go to Starbucks... Although proximity of Dunkin Donuts to new office and discovery of Argo Tea will definitely help me out in 08.

4. Follow my own damn bliss. New job? Possibly. More travel? Most likely. New job? Check! More travel? Check, check, money order!

5. Learn to knit more than long rectangles. I can do scarves. But I've only got one head. I'd like to learn how to purl, and how to do more exciting stitches and make some more interesting things. Ummm. No. Can still pretty much just do rectangles. In knit stitch. But at least I use pretty yarn...

Didn't do as well as I thought, actually. Hmmm. Here is what I am thinking for this year:

1. Be a better friend and a happier, kinder, gentler, more extroverted person.
2. Work out more. Be healthier (which might help me be happier.)
3. Learn. To. Purl. (this will be my year!)
4. Explore my entertainment options in Chicago - see more shows!
5. Limit the latte intake - which will save me pounds AND dollars (because DAMN! Buying anything down here is so very expensive.)
6. My mom would love for me to add "Save my money" so I will - but I will also add "for Diva trips" which is probably not what she had in mind...

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