Friday, September 10, 2010

Mr. Northman, won't you please come in?

** UPDATE: Well, the finale was really kind of meh, wasn't it?? Totally all over the place, and it was not at all helpful that I actually didn't care about half of the plotlines. As we left things, Sam may or may not have shot Tommy (can't say that it matters to me one way or another. His character doesn't actually exist in the books, so he's a throwaway character anyway.) Tara seems to be skipping town (nice to know ya, Thornton! Love the haircut!), Lafayette may or may not be going crazy and his new boyfriend is (gasp!) a witch ("you're a nurse? and a witch? and... a dude?")! I like Hoyt and Jessica and LOVE that he got her a house, but the fact that Maxine just got a gun in a shop with a life size cardboard cutout of Steve Newlin is not a good sign. Their happiness will not be lasting long, I fear. Arlene and Terry might be having a demon baby, Bill went completely nuts, Russell is not dead, Sookie's in disco fairyland (but she had some awesome zingers like "when am I not in trouble?" you got that right, sister. Now go find Eric! Or Alcide!), Jason is now in charge of inbred kittykat hick town (sure, that's gonna end well), and oh yeah, Eric saw visions of ghostly Godric and, even more disturbingly, paraded around in a velour track suit. Not even the hunkiest of Swedish hunks can pull off a velour track suit. And that guy? Is pretty hunk-tacular. Then Bill challenged the Queen (uh, why? Have you completely lost your marbles, Compton?).

To quote Pam, "I have ZERO patience for that shit!"

At the end of it all, Alan Ball thanked the audience for watching and being such loyal fans of the show. You're welcome. But listen, buddy, a word of advice here. The fourth book is very Eric-centric, and here's hoping that you know that when it ain't broke? You should NOT fix it.

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