1. Bill's new plan!!! We should have firebombed Moon Goddess a LONG TIME AGO, your highness. But he seems to have - ahem - seen the light, so to speak. And fortunately, he ordered a kickass attack soundtrack, too. Take up your flame throwers, vampires of Area 5.
2. Sookie and Jason recruiting Lafayette and Jesus - that's right guys! Now we're cooking with gas!
3. Holly and Tara - that's right ladies, get mad! Get even! Get outta that shop before it gets torched. You've got the juice. Now break that spell. Also? Way to get wise to the whole door-is-hot thing. You guys? Are definitely the brains behind the operation.
4. Jesus - way to get freaky with your inner demon-brujo self.
5. Antonia - girl, you were talking sense there, for one hot second. Should have left crazy Marnie when you had the chance.
6. Terry & Andy at "Fort Bellefleur" - I like that they fleshed out Terry's character a bit more, making him that pillar of support for his cousin Andy. But was it me, or did Andy not seem totally sincere in his vow to kick the habit? Maybe his long walk home to Bon Temps will change his mind?
7. Sookie, harnessing her glowy faery fingers to break up the big battle at the hotel (and keeping Bill alive, since a world without him would just be awful, or something) - leading to...
The Bad:
1. Eric regaining his memory. I'm sort of surprised that they did this now, rather than waiting for the very very end. And I know (I know!) that they aren't following the books exactly (at all!) and I see that they would need to shift the timing and circumstances of Eric's regaining his memory, since the witch was different and it was a whole other scenario. I get it. But in the book, his not remembering everything stretched out for several episodes. Now he remembers everything. Okay. Big problems there, for him and Sookie, obviously. Where does this go? And also, the next book deals with pack stuff and Jason becoming a panther, and I think they introduce Quinn - but what's next season going to do?
Sorry, I digress.
2. Tommy's death. I know that I should probably care more about this but, well, I just don't. I'm sad for Sam and all, but Tommy wasn't a great character. He had a tough life, with the dog fighting etc etc but he kept right on scheming. He took advantage of Sam, rather than trying to turn around his life. Sam gave him a job and a place to live and a chance to turn himself around, and he stole from Sam. Then he shifted into him and slept with his new girlfriend. He also scammed Maxine Fortenberry, who was teaching him to read and stuff, and he shifted into her too. This was a boy that was beyond saving. He seemed to be showing remorse at the end there, but he was dying. Everyone's sorry for stuff when they're dying. I didn't care enough about him to see him go. His death does seem to be the catalyst for several things though, and none of them good:
3. Sam wants revenge. He goes and beats the crap out of some henchwolf, and Alcide helps. Oh, and then....
4. Marcus and Debbie Hook Up. Yeah. As if Alcide needs another reason to hate you, Marcus. This seems to be leading to a wolf battle - and my money is on Alcide winning and becoming Leader of the Pack (vroom! vroom!)
5. Hoyt's descent into beer-soaked misery and continuous farting. What is happening to you, Hoyt? Get a frickin' grip, already.
6. Jason asking Jessica to glamour him to make him forget what happened between them. Loved her response - who will take away my guilt? (and then her wanting to go and eat someone, and then also her desire to blow shit up. Love Jess.)
7. Sookie being wishy-washy about Bill and Eric. Why are you so sentimental about Bill all of a sudden, Sook? Have you ever gone into any enchanted forests with Bill? I think not.
The Ugly
And "the ugly" prize of the week goes to.... Marnie! Here we were thinking you were the victim here, but hey, didn't you invite the spirit to come around in the first place? Yes I think you did. I think now that you've tasted real power, power beyond your limited means, you don't want to go back. People are listening now. They fear you. You're in control. Well, Marine, you're on a collision course with reality - in the form of a whole slew of angry vampires with blow torches.
I'm ready for this storyline to be over with so - burn, baby, burn (but Sookie, find a way out first, okeydokey? Or, hey, if not, the show could just be about the vamps, maybe?)
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