Monday, December 31, 2007

pretty much the perfect day...

Have a little hotness for the last post of 2007...

Well, I finally saw "P.S. I Love You" yesterday - the early show for 5 dolla. There were only 5 of us in the theater. The bad news: Gerry dies after the first goddamn scene. The good news: we see him again, in flashbacks (sometimes with a guitar and a few times without a shirt. Lovely). The movie is based on a book of the same name, but only very loosely. They take the setting out of Ireland and bring it to New York, so everyone is now American rather than Irish (except for Gerry, who covers his own gorgeous accent with an Irish one) and they added a few details that were not in the book at all - they got rid of most of Holly's family (they got rid of three brothers and her father! In the movie, her father walked out on she, her mother and sister, played by Nellie McKay... So in addition to having grieving widow issues, she also has daddy issues... huh???)they inexplicably gave her a career in fashion (in the book, she decides to go into marketing. Apparently this is not sexy enough for film, so they make her design shoes instead. Huh??) AND they make her have a fling with her dead husband's best friend (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who they made Irish and gave an accent. Huh??). It doesn't usually bother me if movies deviate a lot from the book they are based on, because a few departures are inevitable. But it was just so weird... At least I had me some Gerry to watch...

When I got home I popped in the DVD of "Dear Frankie" with our friend Gerry AND his delicious Scottish accent. He only appears in the second half of this movie, but I watched the whole thing, because it's a really cute little movie. But Gerry, WTF is with these movies where you're dead, covered by a mask (as in POTO) or not appearing in the whole movie??

Went over to Heidi's to have our belated Christmas gift exchange - but really, it's never too late for presents, is it?? I got a BEAUTIFUL soft furry robe from my friends, AND a gift cert for some spa treatments. We were going to attend a "Close to My Heart" party, but didn't get the details, so we ended up staying in, playing Phase 10 and watching "300" (another Gerry movie!) thus completing my day with another dose of hotness. I mean, really? If I had him around, I certainly wouldn't be sending him out of the house to any fruit shop, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. This is actually the second best way to watch 300* because I didn't have to pay a lot of attention to what was going on (fight, fight, fight "THIS. IS. SPARTA!" ripple ripple ripple, fight fight, "Tomorrow we dine in hell!" Rain of arrows, etc.) the girls told me when to pay attention. The rest of the time I could focus on (losing) Phase 10...

* The first best, of course, would be to watch it on IMAX. Just think about that for a while.

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