Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You can't make this shit up...

1. I'd like to formally apologize to my colleague, as I thought she was lying about trampolining being an Olympic Sport. But it really is! I didn't believe it until I saw it last night with my own eyes. It's oddly fascinating, and I like it MUCH more than beach volleyball. You know how most people like jumping on the bed as kids? This kind of reminded me of that - jumping on the bed with no danger of hitting your head on the ceiling, no chance of getting yelled at by mom, and being able to do triple double sommersaults and cool stuff like that. There is also apparently synchronized trampoline and I am super curious to see that. Strangely though, this seems to be a sport where the US is not smashing the competition. I wonder why not?

2. Was at Ravinia this past weekend. Can someone please explain to me why on earth anyone would buy lawn tickets to a dance event?? The music wasn't really that great, and if you go spread a blanket or whatever way the hell back by the special event tents, you aren't going to see anything, either. So what's the point??


Emily said...

I agree that the trampoline looks really fun! Dave thinks it's silly but I kind of like it. I am SO sick of the beach volleyball - you know it's only on so much because of the bikinis...

BroadwayBaby said...

The trampolining is totally hypnotic. I could not believe I was sitting there watching it and yet I was powerless to stop.

At least the beach volleyball is now well and truly over...