Thursday, October 01, 2009

singalong with the tenors... to BRAZIL!

You may be wondering why the sudden fascination with Brazil... am I just longing for warmer weather and sun? The delightful lilting sounds of Portugese? Carnival? Carne asada (wait, is that Brazilian?)? Or have I turned into a Chicagoan for Rio in 2016?? I am deeply undecided about the Olympics. On the one hand, it is the worst idea in the history of ideas. I can think of about a million things that we would be better of spending these billions of dollars on, and none of them is the Olympics. On the other hand, I love my city, it is really exciting to think about the Games being here, and of course, I have a kickass idea for the opening ceremony (as you all know).

However, I REALLY HATE being bossed around by Oprah. So yeah, I guess I am rooting for Rio.

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