So, I just got on to Facebook and honestly? I think I am too old for it. There's stuff on there like "Buy your friends" and I'm like huh? I've gotten some friend requests, and most people I know from high school and I'm happy to hear from - like, oh, I wonder what so-and-so's been up to. But today, I got one total surprise from someone in grade school. I haven't done anything with this friend request because I was like, really? It was junior high torture. Friend? I think not. And some I'm like who ARE you? I only created a profile because my friend Beth told me she'd done one and the only way I could see hers was to create one myself.
As any of you who visit me here know, I'm not the best with updating this blog, and I haven't done anything with my facebook page at all. Like I really need two places on these interwebs where I don't update stuff?
++ Update: Well, I went over to Facebook and updated my stuff. I still don't really get it, but it is kind of addictive...
Gee, I didn't know you were such an old lady.
Yes, it is true. People think I am more technically savvy than I actually am. I've fooled you all!
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