Friday, September 14, 2007

how much would i hate myself if i did this?

I am talking, obviously, not about having a child with Tom Cruise (because, well, pretty much EW. I will give you Top Gun and Jerry Maguire and maybe one more movie that I can't remember right now, but other than that, no thank you. He's just not my favorite actor. And don't even get me started about the whole Scientology thing.) but about doing the above to my head.

It's cute, right? I always feel like I would like short hair, but then I go and do it and I just weep because it's like "where did all my hair go?" Still, every time I see a picture of Katie I go, "oooh, I love her hair" so I am trying to decide how much exactly I will hate myself if I get a short hair cut. My hair is fine and my face is very round so I don't know if I can pull this off. Still, something's got to be done about this hair for the winter, and for the upcoming HS reunion which I am still on the fence about.


Emily said...

Go for it! It'll always grow out, and if it's a disaster you can start wearing cute hats all the time!

karigee said...

Omigod totally! Do it! Katie has the cutest hair!!!

Bob said...

I would totally go for it!