Wednesday, September 19, 2007

television twaddle....

TV's fall season is starting (YAY!) and so begins the airing of new shows and, my favorite part, the critics telling us what they think of these new shows. I don't take these critics comments as the be-all and end all of life, because they have to watch lots of tv and might not find the same things funny that I find funny etc.

What I actually really love is just reading what they have to say. In some cases, when they really hate a show or movie, some really great writing comes out of it, as they knock themselves out to describe just how terrible something is (gushy reviews are much less fun). For instance, Sun Times writer Doug Elfman has this to say about the Kelsey Grammer/Patricia Heaton show "Back to You"*:

"Anyway, "Back to You" stinks, shames the sitcom form, is written and directed with smelly gusto, and is not original, funny or redemptive by any universal standards known to science, creation or TV executives. Congratulations, crappy show, you may be the unfunniest sitcom on broadcast TV. I salute your achievement. "

Ouch. But see what I mean? Shames the sitcom form, even. It must be REALLY bad. Entertainment Weekly reviewers are also fairly impressive when it comes to reviewing mediocre media, and they never like anything...

* By the way, rest assured that I was not ever ever considering actually watching this show. I like him okay but cannot STAND her (and am probably the only person in America who did not, in fact, love Raymond) and I hope this one dies a quick death right along with "Kid Nation"

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