Saturday, September 01, 2007

No, seriously. Who is this?

Friday night, 6:30, just finished dinner. Settling in to watch a Seinfeld re-run. Suddenly:

Ring ring!

Me: Good evening.
Caller: (laughing) "Good evening?"
Me (not recognizing the voice and wondering why the hell this person is mocking my greeting): Um, yes?
Caller: Good afternoon is better.
Me (trying to figure out who this is. Beth? Jane?): It's 6:30.
Caller: But it's not evening.
Me Isn't it? Have given up thinking person is calling for me. Must be for mom): I'm sorry, but who is this?
Caller: Who do you think it is?
Me: No idea. Sorry.
Caller (long pause, as she is clearly trying to think of some kind of inside joke she can share to remind me who she is): I don't have anything

Me (Thinking. Your name would be helpful!)
Caller: No really. When are we eating?
Me: No really. Who is this?
Caller: Is this Heather?
Me: No.
Caller: So who is this?
Me: No, no. YOU called ME. Who is THIS?
Caller: No, who is this?
Me: You called the wrong number. You figure it out.


After I hung up I thought it might have been kind of fun to say I was somebody famous - "Don't you KNOW who I AM??" (since all kinds of famous people live in the MG, right??) Give her some kind of thrill, and make an already odd wrong-number conversation that much more interesting. Unfortunately, there was only one famously named person who came into my head at the time, and I was worried it would get back to her somehow that I'd impersonated her on the phone and then I'd be in trouble.
I was kind of hoping the caller would call me back and we could go around and around some more on the theme of "Who is this?"

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