Friday, October 13, 2006


It's that time again! Tomorrow, I will be down at the Civic Opera House, volunteering at Operathon. It's Lyric's radio fund drive, and stars from the productions and other notables are on the air on WFMT all day. There is a gift shop ( my favorite is the Fledermaus bat puppet. But there is a whole swell range of Lyric stuff you can buy to help the chapters raise money for Lyric.)

I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow - in the past I have helped escort the special guests to the radio room (including some of the cast of Susannah, Ed Pashke and Studs Terkel) and (those of you who know me will laugh at this one) being put at the accounting table to tally up the gifts. Ha! Me Ms. No Mathematical Skills Whatsoever. Just call me Ms. CPA (not). I met Jane Eaglen that year, though, so you never know.

According to the handy Lyric email they sent me today, the cast of Ifigenie will be around, so maybe I will glimpse OFMS, AKA Susan Graham. In addition to that, they always feed their volunteers well, and you never know who's gonna be around over there. So it'll be a fun day, and I will get to wander the halls like i did as an intern and pretend i belong at lyric. (sniff!)

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