Thursday, October 11, 2007

Anybody else want to boss me around?

Now I am getting orders from my caffeinated beverages.
My Starbucks cup* says: "Be the example: spread hope." although it does not tell me exactly how I should go about doing so. Smile at a stranger, put money in the red kettles (oh, wait, that's not till Christmas....) Hmmmm.

*I got a "Kids" hot chocolate since I felt like a warm chocolatey beverage but I don't want to be peeing all afternoon. It's the smallest cup ever. Like a shot glass of hot chocolate. And? Not really hot. So a really small cup of lukewarm cocoa. But NOT crappy Ravinia cocoa, thank you. I made up for the little tiny cup by getting a "crispy marshmallow square" (are they not allowed to say Rice Krispy treat?) the size of my face.

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