Friday, October 05, 2007

so naturally, my iPod isn't working...

Yesterday morning, when I sat down on the train and put in my headphones, the thing was already on and battery power was like, zero. Just before we reached Union Station, it was kaput. Bummer, I thought. So the ride home will be quiet...

It was anything but. Keep reading for a transcription of notes I hastily scribbled on an available scrap of paper..

I'm on the train and who should enter my car but the World's Worst Mother (WWM)and her bratty demon-spawn child. (Rememeber my previously documented tales of woe?) I hadn't seen them for a while and I didn't miss them a bit. Anyway. She gives the kid a Dove ice cream bar the size of his face and then, inexplicably, gets up and starts walking to a different train car. Way to ditch the kid... Wait. He's going after her. Meaning all their stuff - her purse, portable dvd player, etc is just sitting there. Unattended. Nice one. Oh, and the kid left his (unwrapped) ice cream bar sitting on the seat.

They're back. And - Gross! The kid is eating the ice cream. And she's letting him. Ewwwww.

Looks like the WWM has been joined by a friend, which means she'll be ignoring junior. Fortunately, he's watching the dvd player - which all of us can hear. Want to shoot self. Must charge iPod, Must charge iPod...

Oh, holy f*** shit. Did this woman take parent lessons from Britney Spears or what? Now she's giving him a giant bottle of diet coke. I am sitting here drinking orange juice and this 3 year old kid is drinking a bottle of diet coke. Great plan. Get him loaded with sugar and caffeine then park him in front of a dvd. A DVD! For a train ride that's less than 30 minutes (they get off at my stop). I don't even drink caffeinated beverages after lunchtime, and I'm... well, very very old. Wonder if I have ear plugs on me?

Stupid ear plugs don't work well enough. Gah. If ever there was a time I needed Patti's belty vocals, now is that time. Devil Child is now watching Barmy - sorry, Barney. WWM ignoring him. Clearly thinks big purple dinosaur is acceptable parent-figure replacement. 5 stops to go...

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