Thursday, August 16, 2007

can't stop eating 'em

So I was at a meeting yesterday and talking with our consultant. We were the only 2 present and waiting for everyone else to appear. He starts chowing down on potato chips. He tells me they are his food weakness. Fair enough. I have a few of those myself chocolate anything, pineapple, cheese (but not all together, that's weird), so far be it for me to judge anybody's food fetishes.

THEN he tells me that he had a very large collection of - wait for it - potato chip bags. I'm hoping they were empty. Not only that, he SOLD his collection to the Potato Museum in New Mexico. I'm a little startled at this point, as I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that a. someone would go to the trouble of collecting potato chip bags and b. someone ELSE would actually pay money for them and c. that there is actually a potato museum that people pay money to visit and view potato paraphenalia. So all I say is "I didn't know there was... a potato musuem." He was apparently hoping the Smithsonian would buy his collection, but I guess they reached their quota of quirky (crappy?)contributions for the year. Their loss is the Potato Museum's gain.

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