Monday, August 13, 2007

a little bit of everything...

The weekend went by too fast, but then they always do. What did I even do with myself?? Not a lot. Slept. Hid from the sticky heat. Was hit by the Thunderbolt of Inspiration and went to Archiver's ("The Photo Memory Store") - I decided to do something with the photos and assorted bits of ephemera collected from the New York trip (well, okay, I am putting it all in a little album. Nothing too fancy.) It's been a while since I've been crafty - since I'm not working there any more (thank GAWD) and I'm not constantly surrounded by that new cute paper or those adorable little embellishments. AND I've found other things to spend my money on (shoes. and tickets to see Patti). AND there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day anymore. I'm not one of those crazy scrapbookers - I don't have kids, and I don't sit around scrapping everyday things. Just trips and stuff like that. And the occasional super cool explosion book mini-album for the Divas (and about the divas, IE the gorgeous one I did for Sweeney Todd, that I had signed by the whole cast.). But like I said, it's been awhile since I've done any of it, so it was fun.

I also worked on my knitting - it's hard to think about blankets when it's 95 degrees and humid, but I'm determined to finish, so I got back to work on it.

Other than that, it was a quiet weekend. Had to go to the dentist for a cleaning. I've been going to the same dentist for many years and usually it's not so bad. I had a string of bad visits, where I was worked on by a Dental Nazi from Hell hygenist. She yelled at me, made me cry and made me bleed. Ouch. And honestly, I'm not that bad. I brush twice (sometimes thrice) a day and floss every day too. I actually visit every 6 months, which is more than I can say for some people. And still I get the lecture. Who needs that, lady? So I've requested not to have Beelzebubette (she claims her name is "Sandi" but who does she think she's kidding?) and my dental visits have been much happier.

Saturday there was a new hygienist named Patricia. She was nice, but a little flaky. My appointment was in the afternoon and she said she hoped she "wouldn't fall asleep." Uh, that makes two of us. Then later as she was polishing my teeth, the little do-hickey they use wasn't working right, and she said "Sometimes they're just shitty attachments, ya know?" Now, I'm not averse to a little swearing, you know, but I'm not sure that you should be swearing in front of your patients on the first meeting. Something tells me she's not going to be around there for long...

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