Tuesday, August 14, 2007

is that gonna leave a mark?

So this morning, I was awakened at 3:00 to the sound of the cats fighting with each other (in my doorway, naturally). Finish hissed at Start so loudly and emphatically, she started coughing. A skunk outside my window apparently heard the clammor and decided to join forces with her sister-under-the-fur - and sprayed energetically. May I repeat: right under my window. The smell just permeated everything and made it impossible for me to get back to sleep.

I must have dozed off though, because I remember waking up again, just after 6 to the sound of rain. On the one hand was pleased because rain was washing away ferocious skunk pong. On the other hand, I'd planned to wear a dress today, but didn't want to do my marathon hike in a skirt in the rain. So I had to change my plan, grab a coat and an umbrella and catch the train in the rain. It stopped when I got here though, so it all worked out. I was only moderately soggy when I arrived in the office.

I did succeed in spilling a few globs of Starbucks raspberry peach yogurt parfait on my pants though, and it appears to have left a stain. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Can today just be over?


Emily said...

I hate days like that! Does your room still smell like skunk or did it stay outside? And great cat names, by the way!

BroadwayBaby said...

Fortunately the skunk smell was washed away by the rain.

My cats Start and Finish were named by their first mommy (we adopted them from her) she was a racing fan.