Friday, August 31, 2007

a few things that have been rattling around in my head

This is going to be very random, so consider yourselves forewarned.

Things That Bothered Me Today (and, more accurately, yesterday):
1. People who drench themselves in stinky perfume (I think this was "Angel" or the new Estee Lauder "Pleasures") and get on public transportation. I had to turn away so I could get a little fresh air without my nose starting to run and my eyes starting to itch. I think this chick next to me seriously bathed in it this morning. Gross.

2. People who can't walk in a straight line down the sidewalk. They're weaving back and forth like drunken sailors, making it impossible to move around them.

3. People (do we notice a trend here?) who protest really stupid shit, like the ones I saw outside Macy's yesterday, protesting the store. Now, really. I appreciate people's right to gather and redress their grievances as much as the next person. But come on. Protest the war, protest about global warming, protest the lack of attention the AIDs crisis in Africa, protest over whatever stance you may have about immigration in this country, protest for world peace, protest against world hunger... but protesting a store? Don't waste my time. If you don't want to shop there, then don't shop there. It's just a store. I have no special loyalties to Marshall Fields and I just don't really care that it's gone. I don't shop at Macy's. (But I didn't shop at Fields, either.) In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really seem that important of a cause to get out the picket signs over, does it?

4. Eating at buffet places. Went to Sweet Tomatoes with my mom last night. It's usually pretty good, but it was just plain mediocre last night. People get totally moronic in that place, wandering around without looking, letting their kids run amok and smack into people with hot soup, stuff like that. I don't usually mind eating at buffets, I know a few people who refuse to do it at all. But wait until next month to go to Sweet Tomatoes - their Mexican food theme really sucks. The soup was crappy (even the chicken noodle!) How do you screw up chicken noodle soup? and the choices limited. The baked potatoes were a little wooden. And their usually awesome chocolate chip cookies were hard as little rocks. Very disappointing.

Sorry about all the bitching. But it's been a LONG week. Thank god we have a long weekend and I can just lay around and hopefully get into a better mood...

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