Tuesday, July 17, 2007

(did you really think I could resist?)

So, I COULD talk about the arctic, sub-zero conditions here on 13, that require me to bring two sweaters to work, despite it being in the 80s outside. Or, I could speculate about the "creative differences" that drove Mandy Patinkin to leave Criminal Minds. Or, oooh, I could tell you about my sudden, inexplicable desire to buy tickets to a certain Chicago Fire game in October (okay, not so inexplicable - of course I want to go when they are playing the LA Galaxy, so I can goggle at David Beckham). I could also talk about how much I want to be DONE with the !@#&$*% thesis already, or contemplate the deep and mystical question: Serverus Snape - Friend or Foe surrounding the release of the next Harry Potter book.

I could do any of those things, but I'm NOT GOING TO. HA. I'm going to put up another picture of Ms. Patti and tell you all once again how excited I am about Gypsy. Did you really think I would be able to shut up about it for any length of time?

Not. A. Chance.

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