Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am completely beyond pleased to report that the Masterwork was successfully defended yesterday.

Although I wandered around the week before, and the weekend, and Monday, going 'oh no, I'm not nervous! I'm SO ready! I know this stuff! I could talk it in my sleep' etc. by Tuesday at noon I was a complete wreck. There was theater work to be done (tech rehearsal) so I went over there, because there was no way I could sit at my desk and be productive. From the theater I went to Columbia (forced myself not to be too ridiculously early) and off we went. My advisor brought me donuts and the committee signed off on my form before I'd even said a word, so that was a good sign that they weren't going to go, "What are you, kidding me? You think THIS should get a degree?" And they didn't!

I seem to have this complex that makes me think I am not memorable and have no talents to speak of - this is apparently not true! They told me mine was the best written thesis they'd seen in a long time - clear, well written, with a good flow... I know I'm not a moron, but it's always nice to hear nice things - especially about my writing! They asked some questions, but not too many, congratulated me, and voila - Done! My advisor even offered me a spot teaching marketing or applied marketing (my topic concerned audience development for symphony orchestras and studied marketing and branding issues) AND he said I should try to get the thing published. WOWZA.

At any rate, today's the Big Opening Night and Family Dinner for our holiday program and there is much to be done. If you don't hear from me for a while, please make sure I haven't been abducted by the Snow Queen and taken off to Sugar Plum land.


Sarah B. Roberts said...


Bob said...


Emily said...


karigee said...

great news -- that's quite an accomplishment, and you should be so proud. congratulations!

BroadwayBaby said...

Thanks, y'all! I'm really glad to have it done.

jimenagrace said...