Saturday, December 08, 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas, A Happy New Year and Peace

So I started writing my holiday cards last night. I had most of them made (and will finish making the rest tonight) and decided to just get on with it, already.

My family has always sent cards, but we've never done one of those tell-all end of year family newsletters. I always find those quite comical, because of what people feel the need to include. One of these (from friends of my parents - names withheld to protect the innocent) has a picture of the family and of the dog - so far, so good. "Dear Friends" it starts, "This year has brought our family a multitude of blessings and challenges" and goes on to detail the kids' school lives and part time jobs. One was employee of the month and "earned more authority" and a raise! The other is "learning a lot gaining recognition, and maintaining the honor roll." People are apparently "inspired" by these teens' "work ethic and ability to follow through." Nice one, boys!

While their daughter can't take drivers ed yet (drat!) on the plus side, she took a first place in Prose (I don't know what that means, but you go, girl!) The note is finished by this cheery message: "Shattered by loss of life and suicide, we realize the necessity of reaching out and listening, providing balance to sometimes chaotic experiences and to be available..."

Waitaminute. Suicide??? Huhhhhhh??? Why on earth would you put that in a family Christmas letter? Especially to distant friends who have no clue what you're talking about?? Keep it light, people, keep it light!

Finally, a note from retired snowbirds in Florida where we learned that "this year, Mr. X went on Medicare, so that has been an experience. So many plans to choose from, and a change of doctors."

I'm not saying these letters are bad. I certainly never send one - I don't know that I have enough life material to fill an entire letter. Maybe that's why people feel the need to put stuff in about going on Medicare, buying plates and a mysterious suicide?

I don't want to offend anyone who actually writes a letter like this. It's nice to keep people in the loop about your family - even if we never hear from you at any other time of the year. I just think it would be nicer to do that in a more personal way. If you like me enough to send me a Christmas card, why can't we email to catch up? Or meet for lunch or coffee (just not at Porn Boy's Starbucks) or even on the phone?

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