Thursday, December 27, 2007


A few random things from this post-holiday Thursday...

1. The hallway smells like bacon. WTF?
2. I just cleaned my desk with something called "Whistle" and some napkins. Much better.
3. The drawer of hidden delights is teeming with random crap (a full - revised! - inventory on the way) since the way I *usually* clean my desk is to chuck everything into the drawer. Instant cleanliness, but not as fresh smelling.
4. In under 20 days, I will see Renée in La Traviata! Can it really be that I haven't seen her since last February in Eugene Onegin? I've spent all my ticket money on Patti instead...
5. Speaking of tickets, there's so much stuff I want tickets for (hellooo? Gypsy! But also Avenue Q, Sweeney Todd and Drowsy Chaperone with Broadway in Chicago) I have my little holiday bonus burning a hole in my pocket, I'm telling ya, but nothing is on sale yet. Boo.
6. Is it 5:00 yet?

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