Tuesday, December 11, 2007

wish me luck!

Today at 3:00 central time, I am strapping on my skates and heading down to Columbia to Defend the Masterwork.

Please send your positive brainwaves my way, say a novena, light a candle, whatever, that I a) don't fall down (even though I am planning to take a cab!) and b) that I don't forget what I'm talking about and start gibbering talkish while I am before the committee. My advisor was really kind of vague on what happens in an oral presentation such as this. "It's a rite of passage," he said. I could do a power point or not, then they'll ask questions just about the work, there won't be a sudden pop quiz on all the stuff I learned but have now forgotten. Then it'll be done, and I'll be an alum who can then, as my advisor put it "start giving us money." Hahahahaha. Yeah, right.

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