Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the electroshock eleven

...As in almost all of them needed a good electroshock up on the big Idol stage last night. Seriously. Out of the million jillion people who auditioned, this lot was the best they could come up with??? It was pretty much a snore fest last night as the top 11 sang Billboard #1 hits. That's a lot of songs, yes? So why did almost no one sing anything current? Katie sang a Fergie song and Aaron sang Aerosmith but everybody else was back in the 60s and 70s. Miley Cyrus was the "mentor" this week, and she was fine. I mean, whatever. She's more relevant than some of the mentors they've had in past seasons - at least she's actually in the music business as opposed to Tarantino where it was like WTF? Can you tell them about a singing competition??

Anyway. Crystal is a star, she's in a league of her own, they should just give it to her now and spare us all 10 more weeks of this crap. The others are nowhere near her, not even Chiffon (sorry Siohban? Or is it Siobhan?) who is getting more and more annoying as weeks go by. I was not in love with her Stones song last week, and I didn't really care for her song this week and is there really a huge need to shriek through every single song? That is not performing. That's just shouting. (The American judge here was cranky last night, can you tell?)

So yes. My picks for the bottom three - Paige (!!), Tim, Andrew and Lee is on the bubble. By the time they rolled the recaps of the evening I was like, oh yeah, I forgot about you. I was right last week in my picks for bottom dwellers. Let's see if it happens again. My choice for leaving would be Paige, obviously, and then Andrew. Straight Up.

++ Update: And we were RIGHT AGAIN! My bottom 3 was a little off, Andrew was mysteriously safe, while Katie ended up on the Stools of Death for maybe 10 seconds before she went off to join the top 10. Paige went home, praise the Lord and pass the mashed potatoes! Next week is RB/soul with the mentoring assistance of Usher. Um. Yeah. I guess we'll see how the Top 10 (which could be the alliterative Terrific Ten or, more likely Terrible Ten. Torrid Ten?) fares with that.

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