Friday, April 10, 2009

happy easter!

Can you believe it's already Easter? I really can't. It totally snuck up on me this year. So, needless to say that although I did have some really delicious King cake on Mardi Gras, there was no giving up a single damn thing for Lent. Sometimes I try. I say something like "I'm gonna give up swearing!" or "I'm gonna give up drinking coffee!" The first one doesn't work and the second one gives me a headache. I haven't really made any kind of effort about Lent since was little and took CCD anyway. Case in point, I also had a cheeseburger last Friday. When I thought about it later on, I was like "Doh!" Whoops. And when my mom mentioned she had off today, I went "Really? How come?" Hellooooo???? I am not really a practicing anything although I do have faith in... something.

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