Tuesday, April 07, 2009

wherefore art thou, kal penn?

SPOILER ALERT - please don't read this if you did not see House last night and you are planning to watch it! This was billed as one of those episodes that shocks your socks off. The teasers gave nothing away, and I was certainly surprised when early into the episode, Forman and 13 found Kutner dead on his bedroom floor, with a gunshot wound to his head, an apparent suicide. I'm sorry, what???

My first thought was dammit! I liked him! Why couldn't they have killed off 13? She's got an uncurable disease and she's very very annoying. Or, the other one, Taub. Or just about anyone else... I almost bought in to House's murder theory - because nothing really fit. If he and the rest of his team missed Kutner's depression, or whatever it might have been that led him to off himself, does it also mean that we, the audience also missed something? When I see this season in reruns, am I going to be sitting there, watching him, wondering where this came from, so out of the blue? House is one of the few shows where the characters are fairly well defined, I feel like I know them, in a way. This was so unexpected, so unlike the person we'd known Kutner to be. I suppose that is the point, really, that you can spend lots of time with a person, in the case of his team, or watching that person, in the case of us, in the audience, and never really know what is going on in someone else's head. Well played there, House. It was a good episode, and I guess it has much more impact when it was one of the central characters. Otherwise, why would we care? But why Kutner, why??

To go and pay homage to Lawrence Kutner, go

The storyline with Meat Loaf seemed very secondary, I wasn't even officially sure what was going on with him and his wife. I was too busy following House on his murder theory (in my scenario, a jealous Taub killed him. He wasbeing so cold this week, after all, and last week, he totally stole Kutner's case-solving idea.). My favorite line, though? "Did you figure that out by slowly removing your sunglasses to strains of The Who?"

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