Thursday, June 03, 2010

office fridge in revolt

Our fridge in the office has stopped cooling things. Yesterday, we were able to use the freezer (so I threw my lunch bag in there, only to have a frozen-ass turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch) but then the repair guy came and we had to turn it off, and clean it out, and I lost my new bottle of milk, salad dressing, jelly and possibly other things I left in the fridge and forgot about/got lost in the fridge vortex.

Apparently it needs a new defrost panel, so it has to stay off and open for the next few days. This is such a home away from home for me, I guess I never thought about how much I just stash in the fridge. I got in this morning and started to make breakfast, but our water cooler thing is on the blink as well, so I put regular water in my oatmeal bowl and chucked the whole thing into the microwave - but I left it too long (less than 1 minute 30 sec) and now it is a solid blobby mass. I have no milk to thin it out, as I have nowhere to keep it, and I tried putting more water in, but still. Solid, blobby mass. I went out to Argo for my morning cuppa tea (I am trying white tea now, as it is supposed to have less caffeine) and I am going out for lunch today.

At least I am taking tomorrow off and by the time I come back on Monday, order (and the fridge) will be restored (hopefully).

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