Sunday, May 03, 2009

the singular sensation

I was excited when I heard that A Chorus Line was coming to town, because while I had meant to see it on a trip to New York, it just never happened. And once it moved in just up the street from my office, I'd taken to walking by and humming the opening strains to "One." It's just one of those shows, at least to me, that's so iconic, I felt like I had to see it at least once. So. Today was that day. I had not been back to the Oriental Theater since we saw Wicked there - two years ago? Or three? I don't remember now. I'd gotten us seats in the balcony - not the very cheapest seats, because I hate being that far away, but the next level. We were next to some very noisy older ladies who asked us if we'd mind when they started singing along at the end. Oh, yeah, because I totally paid good money to listen to you two... I hoped they were joking.* I also hoped that the guy coughing his lungs out me wasn't suffering from the H1N1 type A Virus but before I could ask him if he'd been to Mexico lately, the show started.

I'd been warned that it was boring - I was not bored. Some of the show moved a little bit slowly for me, and I had no idea why they made such a big deal over this Cassie - when she had her big "showstopping" number, I wasn't particularly blown away by her dancing. She was leagues better than I will ever be, I will tell you that for free, but I don't know, I didn't think she was all that great. Maybe I shouldn't have seen it the day after I spent my whole afternoon at the ballet (because everything is beautiful at the ballet) because they set the gold standard for me vis-a-vis the solo girl dancing. The ensemble danced really really well, but Cassie only stood apart because of her red leotard.

It was also very 70s in its sound and even in the way that the show was staged but when they all came out in their glittery gold costumes for "One" at the end, it was thrilling. Even with a croaky old lady singing along (loudly) with them.** So yeah. I liked it. Not my favorite show, or anything, but I liked it.

* they weren't.
** see? I told you. Not joking.
The picture is from

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